Click here to see how Obama rolled after his speech.
Peeped from the creator of Stuff Black People Hate.
Friday, August 29, 2008
After The Party, It's The Afterparty.....
Made magical by The Bohemian Bahamian at 10:34 AM 0 jewels of thought
Dancing Democrats
Let the guy from approximately the 17 second mark take you on a sweet escape for this Labor Day weekend.
Made magical by The Bohemian Bahamian at 9:26 AM 0 jewels of thought
Labels: Treasury of Randomness, USA Life
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Notes From The Bahamas-Monday
Monday was a public holiday in Nassau: Emancipation Day (which is sort of like celebrating Independence Day in the United States). Mostly everything was closed, so we took a taxi over to Paradise Island to frolick. We visited picturesque Versailles Gardens and the Cloister. Here is some interesting information about the Cloister, copied from
This Greco-Gothic masterpiece stands high on a bluff overlooking the harbour. It is a popular spot for wedding ceremonies and is especially beautiful when illuminated at night. Augustinian monks in France originally built the stone structure in the 13th century. In the 1920s, William Randolph Hearst bought the Cloister and had it disassembled and moved to the United States. There the stones lay in a warehouse for years because the contractors did not have the plans needed to reassemble it. Huntington Hartford, the millionaire developer of Paradise Island, purchased the structure and reconstructed it on the island in 1962. It is located in the Versailles Gardens.

Made magical by The Bohemian Bahamian at 6:37 PM 0 jewels of thought
Labels: Animals, Bahamas, Family, Global Domination, My Safaris, Nature
Notes From The Bahamas-Sunday
Sunday, we went to 2 hour long Bahamian church service (Religion is a mandatory subject taught in schools) and the accompanying family luncheon. I waited way too long to review this day; as I have nothing more interesting to say about Sunday. But Monday was awesome and that review is coming soon!
Made magical by The Bohemian Bahamian at 6:28 PM 0 jewels of thought
Labels: Bahamas, Family, Global Domination, My Safaris
Friday, August 15, 2008
Japanese Poodle Workout
.......I need answers. I'm not sure what questions I want to ask, but I need answers. Let us pray.
*Peeped at What Would Thembi Do?
Made magical by The Bohemian Bahamian at 9:45 AM 0 jewels of thought
Labels: Animals, Funnies, Global Domination, This Has Ruined My Life, Treasury of Randomness
Saturday, August 9, 2008
John Edwards Is....
Made magical by The Bohemian Bahamian at 11:00 PM 2 jewels of thought
Notes From Bahamas Trip-Saturday
*I forgot to note that Friday night, as well as every night we were in the Bahamas, there was lightning. One night there was just silent, cloud lightning that we watched from the hotel beach (possibly a liiiiiiiiittle unsafe).
Saturday morning, we rose and stretched and I looked out the window at the activity below.
View from hotel window
We walked down Bay Street and ate breakfast at Cafe' Skans (I couldn't find a good link to this place). ZOMG, this place had the Best. Strawberry. Pancakes. Ever. I don't even like pancakes but unicorns and rainbows and sparkles happened when I ate these pancakes.
*Unicorns, rainbows, and sparkles not pictured.
We then joined other members of our family on a ferry cruise to Rose Island. On the way there (and while we were there) we could see beautiful Sandy Cay, or Honeymoon Island. Before we got to Rose Island, some of the boat passengers went snorkeling, including my younger sister and I.
I am the snorkeler right above the person nearest the bottom of the picture.
It was too big of a group to get individual help and guidance, so after almost drowning (in my mind, but really just swallowing some water) I made my way back to the boat. Once the ferry stopped at Rose Island, much merriment ensued. Frolicking in the water, and banana boating were the main highlights.
Back at the hotel, despite my futile and desperate efforts at applying SPF-frickin-55 sunblock, I realized that I had what you young folks like to call the sunburn. Not a severe case, but enough to cause my melodramatic self to proclaim that the stage had been set for skin cancer.
We ate dinner right across from the hotel, at Conch Fritters Bar and Grill. We sat by the window much to my people-watching delight. During the course of the evening, there were a lot of police officers on the street, one of them carrying some sort of assault weapon. I wanted to get a picture, but my husband and I had really over-the-top dramatic visions of the police officer then crashing through the glass of the window at the restaurant and gunning us down. Yes, this is how we entertain ourselves.
At my younger sister and cousin's request, the four of us took a taxi over to Atlantis on Paradise Island to walk around. The opulence at the Atlantis is insane. The drunk teenagers we saw were insane. The fake boobs tra-la-la-ing around the casino were insane. The high-end retail stores were insane. The SIZE of the Atlantis is insane. Did any of this stop us from returning there the upcoming Monday? No, it didn't. Shut up.
On our way back, nature treated us to more silent lightning. The Bahamas treated us to a taxicab driver whose dilapidated taxi-van was for whatever reason tricked out with TVs that seemed to only run two rap videos on a continuous loop. I also saw a gem of a sign on the way back that said 'Protect Your Tings. Use A Rubber At All Times' or something to that effect. Oh, how I wish I had gotten a picture of that. I feel like I missed capturing a Pokemon or something.
Made magical by The Bohemian Bahamian at 9:29 PM 3 jewels of thought
Labels: Bahamas, Family, Global Domination, My Safaris
Bernie Mac Is Dead
Wow, this shocked me. I hadn't been reading the reports of his pneumonia too closely because all of them conveyed the message that he was not on his death bed and expected to be released soon.
By far, my favorite comic memories of him are and will be from Kings of Comedy. Here is a clip of him talking about his sister's kids.
Made magical by The Bohemian Bahamian at 10:47 AM 0 jewels of thought
Labels: Death
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Notes From Bahamas Trip-Friday
Overall, I had a great time getting to know certain family members better and making connections. I got an extreme tan. I miss the beach. I will do a separate post for each day I was up there to make things easier for all (but especially me).
Friday, we flew from Houston to Ft. Lauderdale. We ate in the airport. Here, I noticed most of the airport staff had Caribbean-sounding accents. There was an Eastern-European looking/sounding couple who were extreme assholes to one of the hostesses. The woman in the couple even told the hostess she needs to go back to school. It is amazing to me how disgusting some people are and are either oblivious or are just content nesting in their rudeness....but I digress. We then got in a small propellor plane to Nassau. Upon landing, I thought how glad I was that we didn't check any bags on this leg so we could just frolick along without stopping for the luggage claim. We rode in a taxi to the hotel.
View from the taxi window
We arrived around 4:30pm to the British Colonial Hilton. We then ate and walked around a little bit and promptly crashed from jet lag/flying so early in the morning (we had only slept about 3 hours before waking up for the flight).
I will post on the other days of the trip soon.
Made magical by The Bohemian Bahamian at 9:06 PM 0 jewels of thought
Labels: Bahamas, Family, Global Domination, My Safaris
Friday, August 1, 2008
Gone Sunnin'
I am enjoying Nassau, New Providence Island, Bahamas until further notice.
Made magical by The Bohemian Bahamian at 12:50 AM 0 jewels of thought
Labels: Bahamas, Family, Global Domination, My Safaris