Overall, I had a great time getting to know certain family members better and making connections. I got an extreme tan. I miss the beach. I will do a separate post for each day I was up there to make things easier for all (but especially me).
Friday, we flew from Houston to Ft. Lauderdale. We ate in the airport. Here, I noticed most of the airport staff had Caribbean-sounding accents. There was an Eastern-European looking/sounding couple who were extreme assholes to one of the hostesses. The woman in the couple even told the hostess she needs to go back to school. It is amazing to me how disgusting some people are and are either oblivious or are just content nesting in their rudeness....but I digress. We then got in a small propellor plane to Nassau. Upon landing, I thought how glad I was that we didn't check any bags on this leg so we could just frolick along without stopping for the luggage claim. We rode in a taxi to the hotel.
View from the taxi window
We arrived around 4:30pm to the British Colonial Hilton. We then ate and walked around a little bit and promptly crashed from jet lag/flying so early in the morning (we had only slept about 3 hours before waking up for the flight).
I will post on the other days of the trip soon.
I Need to Go Outside and Touch Grass
2 days ago
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