In my continuing quest for natural hair world domination *insert unnecessarily long evil laugh here* I was interviewed by the blog Black Girl Long Hair, which is a wonderful, glorious blog community centered around natural hair, about my experience being natural. Read the interview here! Drop a comment there if you like. You can also use this post on my blog to ask me any questions about natural hair in the comments. I know some people from there are now following my blog here, so welcome to you! Thank you for reading!
I Need to Go Outside and Touch Grass
2 days ago
8 jewels of thought:
I read this interview on Black Girl Long Hair and it was VERY inspiring. Right now I'm trying to go natural. I have been relaxing my hair since I was 7 years old so now I'm trying to out grow the relaxer and cut it all off.
"I thought to myself, wow I can think of many black women over 40 who either have thin, breaking permed hair, extremely short or moderately short permed hair, or straight up Patti Labelle wigs. It awed me to think of the roots behind perming hair in our culture. This woman was so serene, solid, and just had this aura about her. From that day, I knew I would be that woman one day."
When I read that particular part of your interview I just felt encouraged and inspired. Sometimes when I see people with relaxed hair, I'm tempted 2 relax my hair but I know it's not best 4 my hair and honestly deep down I don't wanna do it. So just reading your interview, motivated me all over again :-)
i loooooooooved your interview, baby girl! you answered every question i asked you in your "ask anything" post plus oodles more. i'm super excited now! as soon as i come back from my trip, i'm goign to get serious about wearing my natural hair out:)
i did your tag!
I came to your blog via your BGLH interview. And now I'm addicted to your blog! Great interview btw.
I have been debating for over a year now on whether or not to do it. I tried to transition and it just sucked major ones. Now thinking about the big chop *eek*. We'll see. And...still waiting on my drafted email LOL
YAY!! loved it :) and you look absolutely stunning with short hair!!!
I read your interview and it was great!! I love your hair by the way. :)
Anonymous: That means a lot to me for you to say that, thank you very much. Have you considered setting up a Fotki page? It is very helpful to see others going through the same stages as you; especially when it gets frustrating. E-mail me at if you have any other questions.
Bloggal: I JUST got your e-mail again from KB to address this! I'll still e-mail you about vegetarian/vegan stuff. Coming to your blog in a few!
SA: Thank you, darling!
Epitome: LOL, GET CRUNK! I definitely recommend the big chop over transitioning. *back to e-mail draft*
Chanel: THANK YOU! I still can't believe I just had it cut off so suddenly, but I have no regrets.
Babydoll: Thank you so much for your kind words!
loved it. Makes me think real hard about that jar of lye i was thinking about buying...
great interview
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