A boy found a pink grasshopper in a nature reserve recently. Pink insects are rare, but can pop up from time to time. How much you wanna bet they J-set every Friday for no reason?
Pink grasshopper
Pink Katydid
Pink Dragonfly
Peeped here.
Also, have a song to take you through the weekend. I usually don't like "feel-good" songs, but this one is irresistable with the bass and instrumentation in the background combined with the floaty vocals and lyrics. Turn it up loud and jam. Ok, BAI.
Weather - Amel Larrieux
10 jewels of thought:
I think they do the Halle Ber-rAY dance near shallow pools of water so they can see themselves.
And let's not forget...they vogue to B. Scott's Glamour and Glitter while putting that bass in their walk, RuPaul style...
...or is that just me????
I like the song, very nice. Thanks
I think I've seen a pink grasshopper once.
AND they only eat glitter. 1@#%!
omg, how cute!
-_- @ innyvinny
Gem, please nvr post again.
BAI cunt
I am NOT gonna come here to chastise you over "J-setting every Friday for no reason?"
Only to have InnyVinny and my very own Buttercup Cutting up a fool
I Wont and as such
BCU: I'm so weak cause I can visualize the insects and you doing this.
MW: I'm glad you liked it! You should've captured the grasshopper and used it for good magic.
Chanel: But of course!
Cheron: I'm enchanted!
KB: *crying rainbows* I thought you would enjoy this most of all, what with the J-setting.
QQBerry: I'm glad you realize that I am not the entire problem here. The angry face was a dagger to my heart though.
Pank insects! Woman, you find some of the most outlandish, off da cuff ish.
I luv it!!
Mother Nature was eating psychadelic shroom casserole when she made these pretty pink bugs.
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