Sunday, October 11, 2009

Your Love is Mine

Speaking of Corinne Bailey Rae, I heard a song featuring her today that I had never heard before. It's by The New Mastersounds, on their album and it's called Your Love Is Mine. Very fresh sounding.

5 jewels of thought:

kit von b. said...

its very summery.

like a bbq filled with bad ass kids running around and someone's uncle grilling ribs and turkey legs

and me sippin drank

Lina said...

i swear ive heard this before...most likely on a the feel of it.

Aisha said...

Another favorite of mine! I discovered this one a while back...

Myne said...

I think I've heard this somewhere. Nice.

ExpatCentral said...

Karrie, exactly....or a late night drive with the top down.

Going to have to check out this group.

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