Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Today, my husband and I have been together for 3 years (married for 2, known each other for 11). I think it's safe to say I have experienced every emotion known to humanity while a part of this relationship, but this has ensured my awareness of how worth-it everything is. I cherish the time I have with him.

Also, it snowed today! For all the non-Houstonians reading, snowfall in Houston is like the coming of Christ himself. The last time it snowed here was Christmas Eve 2004, and the last time it snowed before THAT was in 1992 or 1993 (and that time doesn't really count because it didn't stick). It's amazing to see people stop what they're doing to go out and take pictures and frolic and be merry and smile at everyone else. I really feel like part of a Houston community when it snows. Every Houstonian I know on Facebook has a status that reflects the snowfall. It truly brings a bit of magic in the air, which went perfectly with the magic I feel on my anniversary today.

This song encapsulates the magic of our courtship (don't hate) and of today/tonight:
Enchantment - Corinne Bailey Rae

I wait for you, and don't know why/All I I can't hide/At this temperature you could take over my mind/Like gossamer, you softly touch/It draws me in, I'm powerless/He possesses an enchantment/Tell me...I'm forgiven/He calls, don't know how I fell under his spell/Lately, I've been driven/He enchantment/I wait for you, I'm mesmerized/This love is like a potion in disguise/I'd tightrope walk...with a blindfold on my eyes/I can't escape...or so it seems/I'd run away...he's in my dreams/He possesses an enchantment//It's the kind of sleepwalk that never ends/Type of loan with no dividends/It's a parlour game where you're givin' chase/Guess it could be called an acquired taste/I know he knows, he calls, I go, I know/This could be an enchantment//He smiles and I give enchantment
This song just reminds me of the "home" quality our relationship comfort zone.
Love Song - 311

11 jewels of thought:

Admin said...

Congrats to you both! You are an adorable couple!

I recently dealt with a very painful break-up with a younger man. I initially feared his age, but he carries himself in a very mature way... I was under the impression that he would be committed to the relationship for many years to come. When things started to get difficult (i.e. we passed the honey moon stage...), he turned and looked the other way. All of a sudden, he couldn't commit to anything that involved us. And he said that "relationships should be easy." (He'd only had one relationship before he and I were together...and it only lasted six this is all probably coming from inexperience, unfortunately. He's NEVER had to deal with anyone past the first few magic months!) I told him that there were easy aspects to relationships for sure, but when you're really getting to know the depths of another person...there can be a lot of pain, and both involved need to be 100% committed to working through things, delving deeper, connecting, being there for one another. Often, from my experience, things get easier again, although it goes in waves. From what I've heard from friends and family, and from what you hint at in your post, all marriages or long term relationships require work and dedication. And it's totally worth it in the end. If there was magic at the start, there can be magic all throughout...

ChocolateOrchid said...

Congratulations on your anniversary and for your years to come together!

Gem said...

Vesper: Thank you for sharing that. I always made a stank face when I heard marriage (or any successful relationship)is work, but it is so true. Is the man you are referring to the one you just mentioned in your blog? The one with the complicated relationship and you changed your status on FB?

ChocolateOrchid: Thank you!

Laquita said...

Very nice blog entry - Another Congrats from me :o)

Gem said...

Laquita: Thank you! Your words are very much appreciated.

Admin said...

Not sure which post you're referring to. I was married for five years (1999-2004), and now my ex is remarried and has another child. I have been in a few relationships since our marriage ended. The most recent one that I mentioned here was the most in love I've ever been, hands down. It makes me weep to think that most of our problems stem from inexperience on his part. I firmly believe that if he'd been more experienced on the relationship side of things, this would have ended quite differently. He honestly believes that relationships should be smoothe and even and easy. There's no arguing with someone who believes something so firmly. He simply believes that I'm wrong...and to him my experience doesn't count for much. I'm interested to see how his future relationships will play out... Maybe he can have a relationship of complete easy sailing if he falls in love with a woman who's had a lobotomy... Yes, I'm still a little bitter...

Gem said...

Vesper, so do you think it's completely over? Or do you still have hope that he will grow and ya'll will try again? I've been so bitter that even the mere thought of hope tasted bitter in my mouth, if that makes any sense.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your anniversary. Wishing you many more blessings in 09!

Gem said...

Thank you, Vanessa!

Desiree said...

Your dress is so beautiful!

Gem said...

Thank you, Desiree!

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