1. Copy and Paste this note into a new note
2. Turn your ipod or media player, etc on "shuffle songs"
3. Answer each question by writing down the name of the song that appears when you hit next.
4. Type it no matter how silly it sounds.
5. Tag whoever you want including me
IF SOMEONE ASKS YOU, "ARE YOU OKAY?", YOU SAY...Morning-Amel Larrieux (Cool!)
HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE YOURSELF? Come Over-Estelle (This is actually pretty true. I am shy, so I love when friendly people reach out to me.)
WHAT DO YOU LIKE IN A GUY/GIRL? Between the Bars-Madeleine Peyroux (This song is about drinking away your apparently that's what I like in a person, lol)
HOW DO YOU FEEL TODAY? That Hump-Erykah Badu (LMAO! Today is Valentine's Day and I just want to get over that hump. Classic.)
WHAT IS YOUR LIFE'S PURPOSE? Different-Goapele (Awesome.)
WHAT'S YOUR MOTTO? Every Time He Comes Around-Minnie Riperton (Ha! That would be kind of awkward.)
WHAT DO YOUR FRIENDS THINK OF YOU? I Like the Sunrise-Amel Larrieux (Aw! That's sweet.)
WHAT DO YOUR PARENTS THINK OF YOU? Thinking of You-Lenny Kravitz (Hilarious.)
WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT VERY OFTEN? Country Livin' (The World I Know)-Esthero (Interesting.)
WHAT IS 2 + 2? I Belong To You-Lenny Kravitz (Wow, way to avoid the question.)
WHAT DO YOU THINK OF YOUR BEST FRIEND? Can You Feel What I'm Saying-Minnie Riperton (Since I call my husband my best friend, I guess this won't be that awkward, lol!)
WHAT IS YOUR LIFE STORY? Take Time-Lenny Kravitz (I can roll with that.)
WHAT DO YOU WANT TO BE WHEN YOU GROW UP? A Song for You-Christina Aguilera/Herbie Hancock (That's kind of nice.)
WHAT SONG WILL YOU DANCE TO AT YOUR WEDDING? Fastlane (Cottonbelly Mix)-Esthero/Jemeni (I am already married but this would be HILARIOUS...and awkward.)
WHAT WILL THEY PLAY AT YOUR FUNERAL?Hey You-Floetry (WOW that would be kind of scary/creepy. The chorus goes: Hey you...I'm sorry that I had to leave, I'll try to come day. Wow this is a perfect one.)
WHAT IS YOUR HOBBY/INTEREST? Precious-Esperanza Spalding (Um...)
WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST FEAR? Wild is the Wind-Amel Larrieux (This makes sense in a way.)
WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST SECRET? Don't Speak-No Doubt (Ha! These answers are hilarious.)
WHAT DO YOU WANT RIGHT NOW? Enchantment-Corinne Bailey Rae (Nice.)
WHAT DO YOU THINK OF YOUR FRIENDS? Don't Explain-Billie Holiday/Verve Remix (Um...)
WHAT WILL YOU POST THIS AS? Let It Take You-Goldfrapp (Ha!)
I am tagging Alicia/InstantVintage, MrsMaryMack, Karrieb, LittleMissKnobody, DocBrown, Desiree, Chanel, Lex, Marlo, Vesper, and EVERYONE!
I Need to Go Outside and Touch Grass
2 days ago
2 jewels of thought:
Are you sure this is random? LOL! some of your answers fit too perfectly with the questions. This is cool though! Awesome songs!
I swear it was random!
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