I recommend you see Let the Right One In. It's a Swedish vampire film about love, friendship, fear, and loneliness. It is not a typical vampire movie where the violence and gore take center stage, and that is part of its charm. I love films that are magical aesthetically, and the Swedish setting and cold environment is shown off beautifully. The main characters are children which makes the story that much more haunting. This instantly became a favorite movie of mine. Here is the official website. You can buy, rent, or Netflix it now. Here is the official trailer:
I Need to Go Outside and Touch Grass
2 days ago
6 jewels of thought:
I just watched this the other day. I really enjoyed this film. A little slow but still haunting. The kids were really great in this film.
I've heard nothing but good things about this film. I'm gonna check it out ASAP.
i'm gonna try watching today!
That really looked interesting. I'll see if I can find it here. I don't live in the States.
I don't know you but I LOVE YOU! One of my favorite movies in the last decade its a VERY unique take on vampires and young love!
that's so weird, i just watched this film a few days ago. it was really good. i agree, the kids did an excellent job. i plan on reading the book now to find out more about the stuff they chose not to include in the movie, particularly the relationship between the vampire and her helper.
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