Monday, May 18, 2009

Suggest A Song Monday-Wait Till You See Him

I'm back for serious this time! The spring semester is over and I'm free as a bird! I missed you all, and thank you so much for hanging with me and giving words of encouragement. Let's get back in the mix with Suggest A Song Monday. First, the rules:

I suggest a song that I love and that I think you would love. You listen to it. Tell me what you think in the comments. Then, you also recommend one song to me and I will listen to it and tell you what I think. You don't have to limit yourself to a particular genre, just any one song that you love.

Today, we have Wait Till You See Him by Ella Fitzgerald. This is a very soulful, jazzy remix found on the Verve Remixed album (I think the 2nd one). Sounds like a nice song to listen to whilst driving at night to somewhere bougie (lol) or a wine/movie/date night with someone wonderful. I love the smooth feel of the music along with Ella's velvety voice. Enjoy!

Here is the version from the Verve Remixed Album:

Wait Till You See Him - Ella Fitzgerald

Wait till you see him/See how he looks/Wait till you see him/Wait till you hear him laugh/Painters of paintings, writers of books/Never could tell the half/Wait till you see him/See how he looks/(Music break)/Wait till you see him/See how he looks/Wait till you see him/Wait till you hear him laugh/Wait till you feel the warmth of his glance/Pensive and sweet and wise/All of it lovely/All of it thrilling/I'll never be willing to free him/When you see him/You won't believe your eyes/You won't believe/You won't believe your eyes (repeat)/Wait till you see him/You won't believe your eyes (repeat)//

4 jewels of thought:

Lina said...

This is very it.

My suggestion is Hot Chip's We're Looking for a Lot of Love.

Mrs. Mary Mack said...

These posts are always so hard for me because we listen to alot of the same stuff but anyhoo, I suggest Ray LaMontange- "Trouble". He's of the caucasian persuasian but has the most soulful voice.

Some lyrics: Trouble...
Trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble
Trouble been doggin' my soul since the day I was born
Worry, worry, worry, worry
Worry just will not seem to leave my mind alone
We'll I've been...
saved by a woman
I've been...
saved by a woman
I've been...
saved by a woman
She won't let me go
She won't let me go now
She won't let me go
She won't let me go now

Chanel said...

yay im so happy you back!

Gem said...

Lina: Thank you! BTW, I have been LOVING that Relief: A Stripper Classic you recommended. It's all up in my IPOD.

MrsMaryMack: So not only are we hair cousins, we're music family too! I really like Ray L. but haven't gotten to sit down and really listen to individual songs. This is a reminder to. Thank you!

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