Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Light at the End of the Tunnel Approaches

I'm done with all 3 classes and 1 out of 3 research papers. I received much positive feedback on my presentations of my paper subjects and had 1 very senior professor say he would love to be on my thesis committee, and another very respected professor say that the topic I did for her class may be publishable. I feel so high, academically speaking. I really think research may be my niche. Time will tell. The 2nd paper is due Friday, the 3rd paper on next Tuesday. After that, I shall be back to blogging (or blawgin if I may be a bit ignant). In the meantime, keep up with my shenanigans on Twitter ( a magical day!

9 jewels of thought:

ChocolateOrchid said...

Work it out, Gem!! Congrats on your accomplishments!

Kingsmomma said...

Congrats, I know how it feels to put in all that work and get the back pat.

Very Good job.

Chanel said...

the final countdown! crunch time. good job with your success!!

Admin said...

congrats! this is all excellent news!

Anonymous said...

congrats girl! :D woot woot!

InnyVinny said...


kit von b. said...

proud of you twin. said...

Congrats on the great feedback and good luck with the rest of your papers!

ExpatCentral said...

Congrats, chica! Keep wowing the world of academia...

(btw this is Can't Take It LOL)

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