They say death comes in threes. I hate cliches. I especially hate them when they come true. I would like to personally request (to whomever accepts such inquiries) that nobody else I know die this year. I'm being a bit tongue-in-cheek, but I am really very down.
Also, cemeteries freak me right the fuck out. I don't want to be buried to rot in the ground surrounded by a bunch of other corpses who I have no affiliation with, becoming a name on a stone amongst other stones. I wish to be cremated, and perched on my widow's mantle with a picture of me frowning appropriately. Also, no funeral but a memorial service.
I am freaked out by death, particularly sudden, unexpected deaths and terminal illness deaths (when people know approximately when they will die and plan for it like Diary of a Dying Mom). I think it hits me a lot harder than the average Joe or Jane.
I Need to Go Outside and Touch Grass
2 days ago
4 jewels of thought:
yeah, death sucks.
i second your request.
Thank you Muze. *more hugs*
Thanks for stopping by today! I think I'll add the picture on the mantle piece idea as well! I don't need some tramp coming by trying to spend his insurance money!
You're right it has been a deathy year, We lost someone I respected in George Carlin..
I feel the same way you do about death...and I think the late George Carlin said it best in his short yet effective will....
"Upon my death, I wish to be cremated. The disposition of my ashes shall be determined by my surviving family.
I wish no public service,and no religious service of any kind.
I prefer a gathering at my home attended by friends and family, it should be extremely informal,and they should play rhythm and blues music and laugh a lot. Vague references to spirituality (secular) will be permitted.
Sounds like a great idea to me, RIP George.
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