Thursday, October 2, 2008

My Blog Is Loved

This is waaay late, but life happens. Thank you Farsighted Fly Girl, for tagging my blog as a blog you love! Blogging is kind of a way to catch all my random thoughts and goals for myself, but it is always cool when somebody admires you for something. Without further ado (even though I am one who loves ado):

Here are the rules:
1. The nominated is allowed to put this picture on their blogs.
2. Link to the person that hearted you.
3. Nominate at least 7 people and link to them.
4. Leave a message on those people's blogs to make them aware that they've been nominated.

All of the blogs I (currently) heart are on my blogroll. I may re-visit this later to play by the rules.

1 jewels of thought:

Fly Girl said...

Thanks Tamara!

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