I have never had any beef with Deborah Cox's music. I feel with the right material, she could have gone very far. Not to say she hasn't been successful; because she has. This Canadian songstress has such a strong voice, and she is gorgeous. She is of Guyanese descent; apparantly Canada has a significant Guyanese population. I digress. Here is my favorite 90's song by her, Sentimental.
Friday, February 27, 2009
I Love the 90s Friday: Deborah Cox
Made magical by Gem at 8:46 AM 5 jewels of thought
Labels: Global Domination, I Love the 90s, La Musica
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Under the Sea (and River!) News
Transparent fish
Since 1939, scientists have thought the "barreleye" fish Macropinna microstoma had "tunnel vision" due to eyes that were fixed in place. Now though, Monterey Bay Aquarium researchers show that the fish actually has a transparent head and the eyes rotate around inside of it.
Full article here.
Giant stingray caught
This baby-eating (baby-eating not verified) beast weighs 771 pounds and is 7 feet by 7 feet. It was found in a river. Imagine a mother-flippin' Yao Ming sized stingray coming atcha. Well, since it's 7 feet BY 7 feet, imagine TWO Yao Mings, coming at you in a T-shaped formation with vampire-like wings of death and a venomous sting on the butt. Full article here, originally spotted on Yahoo.
All of this supports my theory of a giant, possibly evil and soul-stealing octopus dwelling in the depths of the ocean somewhere waiting to wreak havoc. Soon my pretties, soon...
Made magical by Gem at 10:17 AM 7 jewels of thought
Labels: Animals, Global Domination, Nature, Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Mis-heard Song Lyrics
Go to the 20 second mark and just wait. The background lyric I hear is: "Got a New Jack SWING comin' up!" My husband hears: "So you can New Jack SWING on my nuts!"
Please somebody help me. I...I just cannot accept his version of the lyrics. I quit life at least twice already because of this. What do you hear?
*****EDITED*****So apparently my husband is right. The line is from an Ice Cube song...link in the comments if you want to check it out. Thanks to Cheron and everyone else who corrected me. I will never live this down at home, ya'll have ruined my life!! The More You Knooooooow! *NBC rainbow music*
Other mis-heard song lyrics: TLC-Waterfalls. The chorus goes "Don't go chasin' waterfalls..." WHY did my mom think they sang: "Go, go, Jason's waterfalls..." Her: "Who is Jason?" Me: "...What?" Her: "JASON....GO, GO, JASON'S WATERFALLS?!" Me: *flatline*
Crucial Conflict-Hay. Chorus: "Smokin' on hay...HAAAAAAAY..." and so on. My friend's dad: "Circle of pain...PAAAAAAAAIN..."
What song lyrics have you mis-heard or has someone else mis-heard? Holla in the comments!
Made magical by Gem at 1:13 PM 8 jewels of thought
Labels: About Me, La Musica, The More You Knooooow, This Has Ruined My Life, Treasury of Randomness
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
3-D Street Art
I originally saw these months ago and am still amazed by the concept. It is crazy what one can do with his/her passion when he/she really lets go and dives into it. Julian Beever creates these 3-dimensional street drawings out of chalk. I am a huge fan of trompe-l'oeil art so I could look at this type of work all day and be fascinated.
Made magical by Gem at 9:30 AM 7 jewels of thought
Labels: Art, Magical, Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Hair Conference
I have been so busy this week, so many apologies for the lack of blogging. Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday I was at a conference from work. I got into a few conversations about natural hair. One that stuck out the most was when a co-worker from a different department approached me about my hair routine. She was sitting behind me in a seminar and was staring at my head, I guess. She has two daughters, the oldest one had hair that she compared to one of our white co-workers who has kind of loose curly hair...the co-worker seemed proud that her daughter's hair was like that (she said it was also long, "down to here"). Her younger daughter apparently has hair like mine but "frizzier" and she doesn't want to perm/relax the hair. "She's only 3, so I don't want to perm it." This disturbed me a bit, the way so many (black) women automatically consider the perm because they don't feel like/know how to deal with their daughters' hair. I was bothered that (it seemed) only because of the daughter's age was she not getting a perm, while the daughter with long, loose curly hair was obviously prized. Another thing that bothered me was that she kept touching my hair and flipping it around with her fingers like I was her fucking 5-year old.
Made magical by Gem at 12:38 AM 7 jewels of thought
Labels: About Me, Natural Hair
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Let It Take You
1. Copy and Paste this note into a new note
2. Turn your ipod or media player, etc on "shuffle songs"
3. Answer each question by writing down the name of the song that appears when you hit next.
4. Type it no matter how silly it sounds.
5. Tag whoever you want including me
IF SOMEONE ASKS YOU, "ARE YOU OKAY?", YOU SAY...Morning-Amel Larrieux (Cool!)
HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE YOURSELF? Come Over-Estelle (This is actually pretty true. I am shy, so I love when friendly people reach out to me.)
WHAT DO YOU LIKE IN A GUY/GIRL? Between the Bars-Madeleine Peyroux (This song is about drinking away your troubles...so apparently that's what I like in a person, lol)
HOW DO YOU FEEL TODAY? That Hump-Erykah Badu (LMAO! Today is Valentine's Day and I just want to get over that hump. Classic.)
WHAT IS YOUR LIFE'S PURPOSE? Different-Goapele (Awesome.)
WHAT'S YOUR MOTTO? Every Time He Comes Around-Minnie Riperton (Ha! That would be kind of awkward.)
WHAT DO YOUR FRIENDS THINK OF YOU? I Like the Sunrise-Amel Larrieux (Aw! That's sweet.)
WHAT DO YOUR PARENTS THINK OF YOU? Thinking of You-Lenny Kravitz (Hilarious.)
WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT VERY OFTEN? Country Livin' (The World I Know)-Esthero (Interesting.)
WHAT IS 2 + 2? I Belong To You-Lenny Kravitz (Wow, way to avoid the question.)
WHAT DO YOU THINK OF YOUR BEST FRIEND? Can You Feel What I'm Saying-Minnie Riperton (Since I call my husband my best friend, I guess this won't be that awkward, lol!)
WHAT IS YOUR LIFE STORY? Take Time-Lenny Kravitz (I can roll with that.)
WHAT DO YOU WANT TO BE WHEN YOU GROW UP? A Song for You-Christina Aguilera/Herbie Hancock (That's kind of nice.)
WHAT SONG WILL YOU DANCE TO AT YOUR WEDDING? Fastlane (Cottonbelly Mix)-Esthero/Jemeni (I am already married but this would be HILARIOUS...and awkward.)
WHAT WILL THEY PLAY AT YOUR FUNERAL?Hey You-Floetry (WOW that would be kind of scary/creepy. The chorus goes: Hey you...I'm sorry that I had to leave, I'll try to come back...one day. Wow this is a perfect one.)
WHAT IS YOUR HOBBY/INTEREST? Precious-Esperanza Spalding (Um...)
WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST FEAR? Wild is the Wind-Amel Larrieux (This makes sense in a way.)
WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST SECRET? Don't Speak-No Doubt (Ha! These answers are hilarious.)
WHAT DO YOU WANT RIGHT NOW? Enchantment-Corinne Bailey Rae (Nice.)
WHAT DO YOU THINK OF YOUR FRIENDS? Don't Explain-Billie Holiday/Verve Remix (Um...)
WHAT WILL YOU POST THIS AS? Let It Take You-Goldfrapp (Ha!)
I am tagging Alicia/InstantVintage, MrsMaryMack, Karrieb, LittleMissKnobody, DocBrown, Desiree, Chanel, Lex, Marlo, Vesper, and EVERYONE!
Made magical by Gem at 12:59 PM 2 jewels of thought
Labels: About Me, Favorite Songs, La Musica, Meta-Blogging
Friday, February 13, 2009
I Love the 90s Friday: Toni Braxton
Toni dominated much of the 90s with her love songs. I feel a lot of nostalgia when I hear one of her songs from this era.
Seven Whole Days
I love how blues-ey she sounds in this song: "What's a girlllllll to doooooooo" They are so wrong in this video for showing the women tearing pages off the daily calendar and drawing X's through the days, lol! They didn't have to make them look that desperate. Although, Toni took the approach that I would take in a video if I was a musician. I would have other women lookin' all sad and alone, I'll be damned if I'm playing the lead role in my own music videos lookin' a fool, lol! 90s video checklist includes close-cropped teased hair, soulful dancing (lmao @ the background singers and guitar player; they were feeling this song!), jeeps, and raw emotion.
Love Shoulda Brought You Home
Heaven help me if I ever got caught singing this song, lol. You can really get into it. Also, LMAOOOO @ the 4:04 mark.
How Could An Angel Break My Heart
Made magical by Gem at 8:30 AM 6 jewels of thought
Labels: I Love the 90s, La Musica
Thursday, February 12, 2009
123 Book Meme
I saw this over on Wicked Anomie: Sociology Run Amok.
Made magical by Gem at 7:01 AM 8 jewels of thought
Labels: Bookworming It Up, Death, Meta-Blogging, The More You Knooooow, USA Life
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Whimsical Eye-Candy
One of my favorite inspirational blogs is My Marrakesh. Maryam and her family moved to Morocco to build and open their own boutique hotel called Peacock Pavilions. She has a wonderful way of weaving thoughtful words and magical images together and inviting readers into her life. For one of the boutique hotel rooms, painters from Modello Designs created this fanciful wall mural:

So creative, and just a perfect complement to a child's imagination. I think everyone could use an inspirational spot in their home.
Maryam's son is at the age where innocence can be harder to hang onto, and the cruelties of other children and life come into play. She wrote:
If only she could provide some protection against the hardening of his nine-year old heart.
Perhaps if he slept among the wise words, among the magic numbers, among the street signs, it would penetrate some how and leave an indelible imprint just below the surface……… for times when he felt lost in the maze of his little boy life…..
Click on the link above the floor design to see more of her blog.
Made magical by Gem at 8:43 AM 11 jewels of thought
Labels: Aesthetics, Art, Global Domination, I Admire, I Want To Visit, Magical, Meta-Blogging, Nesting
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
1. Dragonfly (Outro)
The melodies and music of this song turned up loud just envelop me. The song cloaks me in an atmosphere of cloudy dusk skies with a storm breeze blowing, with dragonflies and fireflies flitting about in an open field...while the busy lights of the city lay below the hill I'm standing on. The way the instruments come together in a heady mix accompanied by the opening vocals is wonderful: "Find me...find me in an open sky..."
2. Country Livin' (The World I Know)
The instruments and melody in this song also wrap me up and take me on a journey. I love the soaring music and lyrics: "We can drive around all night, we wouldn't have to go too far...just look at the stars". This song and Dragonfly are 2 of my favorite songs period.
3. I Drive Alone
The beat and lyrical maze on this song are insistent, pulsating, driving, and sensual. "Can't go on, but I...can't go home, and I'm...not so strong, but I...make my way to the...place I know, in...side my heart, where I...used to go, to get...brave, and I don't wanna be lost anymore"
4. My Torture
This song is slow-motion, slightly trippy, despondent, longing. I know many of us can relate to the opening lyric: "Set myself on fire...anything to...turn your head" and I love the tempo switch-up toward the end. I can re-live the pain in her voice when she says: "I want you to comfort me...I want you to stop...disturbing my sleep" and "I want it to stop hurting...so bad, so bad"
5. Fastlane (Cottonbelly Remix)
Cottonbelly (from Sweetback) has a tendency to porn-ify a song via remix. I think this song is fun and seductive, especially with Jemeni's spoken-word vocals at the end: "You can tie my hands behind my back and lick your initials in my neck"
Here is her official website if you want to know more about her and support her. I think she is immensely talented. FYI, she also co-wrote Kanye West's Love Lockdown.
Made magical by Gem at 8:10 AM 7 jewels of thought
Labels: Favorite Songs, I Admire, La Musica
Monday, February 9, 2009
Notes From The Weekend
Jesus Christ on a cracker. Back to your regularly scheduled blogging program.
*So I up and caught the flu for no reason. Or at least, "flu-like symptoms". How the hell do you know if you have the flu or flu-like symptoms? I am at the end now (I hope) and I thank you all for your well-wishes, especially ChocolateOrchid for checking on me periodically!
*I am the Natural Belle of the week over on Hairspiration, check me out! Thank you again for featuring me (it says natural for 4 years, but it's been 3 years and some change)!
*I watched The Wrestler, Bubba Ho-tep, and Pineapple Express over the weekend.
The Wrestler: Good movie, wonderful acting.
Bubba Ho-tep: If this isn't one of the brokest movies of all time, I don't know what is. That's what the appeal is though. I met my demise toward the end of the film where the villain/mummy starts cursing in hieroglyphics.
Pineapple Express: This movie was a tad over-hyped (and so unnecessarily violent, lol) but it did have its funny moments. "FUCK THE PO-LICE (in slow-motion)!"
*I have recently been in awe of all the big-ass pickup trucks I see driving around Houston. I mean like unnecessarily, Canyonero big. I am in awe because:
1. I wonder why I'm just now noticing all these big-ass trucks because
2. This MUST be a Texas thing right? MrsMaryMack, Tanijoy, Desiree, TheHoustonGirl, any other Texas lurkers help me out. Are ya'll seeing these too?
3. It makes me realize that not only does one country have a unique culture, but regions cannot be under-estimated for their own culture. Like seriously, you wouldn't see this in New York, California, Oregon, etc.
4. THAT makes me then wonder how much we underestimate other regional cultures of other countries. Vesper, does Canada differ noticeably in culture depending on region? What about England? I know Italy and South Africa do. What about Australia? Anywhere else?
That's all my congested ass can---wait that sounds gross. That's all my congested self can think up right now. Blogging shall resume! Have a magical day!
Made magical by Gem at 8:58 AM 10 jewels of thought
Labels: About Me, Broke-Ass Movies, Cinema, Global Domination, Health, Houston, Meta-Blogging, Natural Hair, This Has Ruined My Life, USA Life, Weekend Notes
Thursday, February 5, 2009
I'm feeling what I call "pre-sick" today. I have a cough, and feel a bit run-down. Hopefully my immune system will fight it off by tomorrow. Since I feel like ass, regular blog-posting will resume tomorrow (immune-system willing). In the meantime, let this get you through your day.
Made magical by Gem at 11:50 AM 4 jewels of thought
Labels: About Me, Animals, Health, Meta-Blogging, This Has Ruined My Life
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Apples and Poodles
Here are the last of my leftover pictures to share.
Made magical by Gem at 9:43 AM 6 jewels of thought
Labels: About Me, Animals, Holla At My Dawgs, La Comida, This Has Ruined My Life, Treasury of Randomness
Natural Hair Inspiration-Esperanza Spalding
Made magical by Gem at 9:08 AM 4 jewels of thought
Labels: foreign language, I Admire, La Musica, Natural Hair
Today's* Colors: Gray, Blue, Green, Gold
*Today's actually means yesterday's... :-l
Gray sweater, green camisole, blue-n-gold celestial necklace, gold hoops, navy pants, navy dress socks, gray and yellow flats.
Gray, Green, Blue, Yellow - by Bohemian Bookworm on Polyvore.com
Made magical by Gem at 8:25 AM 4 jewels of thought
Labels: About Me, Aesthetics, Colors, Today's Colors
Monday, February 2, 2009
Notes From The Weekend
*Bought tickets to see Erykah Badu in concert in March. So. Excited.
*I studied with a few classmates who all smoke (3 on Saturday, 2 on Sunday). This morning I noticed small red blemishes on my face. My precious face. They've tarnished it with their cancer sticks, tarnished it I say!
*I feel good about attempting to live more simply and healthier. Gave up cable and fast food and giving up items that serve no function around the house.
*In search of some fine bed linens. I want the white, hotel look.
*Check the poll in the sidebar. Out of 10 votes, only 2 consider Sunday as the start of a new week. Interesting.
*Upcoming book review blog post soon (maybe Wednesday if I have the chance).
*While looking at different funeral home websites for a research project, I stumbled upon this gem. He is apparently a DJ in addition to his funeral home duties. "We can funeralize your loved one at a price from..." and "This ain't no ranky-dank funeral home. This is a first class funeral home run by first class people" are sending me to an early grave myself. Please look at his website. For me. I am not responsible if you fade to black after you view it.
Made magical by Gem at 9:10 AM 6 jewels of thought
Labels: About Me, Bookworming It Up, Death, Health, Houston, La Comida, Meta-Blogging, Nesting, This Has Ruined My Life, Treasury of Randomness, USA Life, Vegan, Weekend Notes