In honor of the Maxwell concert tonight that I won't be going to *stifles sob*, here are my favorite Maxwell songs (that happen to have been released in the 90s).
Submerge: Til We Become The Sun
This is one of my favorite all-time songs. The melody, the lyrics, his voice, the entire song is so haunting, sensual, relaxing, erotic, and just lovely. I love the dark notes of the piano in the background contrasting with his falsetto.
Softly, Softly
You can't go wrong with Sweetback producing on the just can't.
Til The Cops Come Knockin'
There's an actual video for this song but Youtube won't let me embed it. It's for the best though, as the song is much more sexy without the video of Maxwell crawling around on the floor like he took some bad shit.
My favorite music style includes songs that combine lounge, electronic, ambient, and erotic tones, so Maxwell seamlessly blends these elements and the results are beautiful. I hope his next album drops soon; it is apparent by all these sold-out tours that his fan base is stronger than ever.
I Need to Go Outside and Touch Grass
2 days ago
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