I will be traveling to Nassau for a family reunion in the beginning of August. This branch of my family tree (paternal grandmother) can be traced back to 1800, to the original three men/family names. Two were from Scotland; one was from England. Unfortunately of course, the African part of the family cannot be traced as far back. Anyhoo, here is what I want to and/or will see and/or do:
1. National Art Gallery of the Bahamas
2. Family Banquet/Entertainment
3. Family Beach Picnic
4. Family Dinner Cruise/Entertainment
5. Offer souls to Sun-god on the beaches of Paradise Island
6. Sunset at the Cloisters
7. Birding tour?
8. Emancipation Day Celebration
Shopping will be sprinkled liberally throughout the days I'm sure.
Things I Need Before Nassau/Things I Want To Get In Nassau
I Need to Go Outside and Touch Grass
2 days ago
1 jewels of thought:
Hey this is Ashley (acquainted through Amber, lol)! I love your blogsopt...and I love that you have Sade on your playlist! Enjoy your trip!
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