I stumbled across some cool art via Cracked a while ago, which took me to this website showing artists who paint people to match various backgrounds, giving an invisibility effect. Have a looksie:
I Need to Go Outside and Touch Grass
2 days ago
8 jewels of thought:
Wow!! This is so cool! Kind of freakish yet so cool.
Reminds me of the people at Knott's Scary Farm during Halloween.
The one sitting at the table is kinda creepy.
WOW This is soo cool! I would be freaked out a bit if I saw it in person thought.
whoa..... me likey!! creative people make me jealous. LOL
wowwww like an invisibility cloak(harry potter reference. my bad. im a nerd)
that shit is pretty fly.
however i was slightly scared of homie hunched over at the table. i felt like samaya from the ring was in the room with him.
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