My husband is going to side-eye me so hard for this, but I DON'T CARE! I know I am not the only one who was jamming Immature as a pre-teenybopper...sheeit I know there were grown ass women jamming to them, DON'T HATE! Of course looking back now at Batman, Romeo, and LDB (lol, there was never any love for LDB)...and their hair...and that high, soft voice...and those clothes...I just can't. Journey back with me, won't you?
Never Lie
This was their debut single. Jesus H. Christ, where do I begin? The ocean, the hair sleekly pulled back into buns, the eye-patch, the silver jewelry, the hoop earrings, the Different World sunglasses, and where the hell are their parents? Does this just happen in everyday life where 12 year old boys congregate at the beach to share some raw emotion over a girl? Get you some of that zest at the 1:15 dead at the serious looks they are giving...Of course we can't forget the cuntiest part of the song toward the 3:40 mark: "Lie-ee-i-ee-i, lie-ee-i-ee-i...excuse me while I go resuscitate my soul.
Feel The Funk
Sofa king destroyed at Batman's "Rihanna" bob and Romeo's "trip to Cancun" micro-braids. Oh, 90s. So much was allowed back then. I'm not gonna sit here and pretend I didn't use to groove to this though.
Please Don't Go
Um, this video was kind of heavy for little sensitive 11-year old ass used to cry when I watched it...this has to be a top contender for the Raw Emotion of the 90s award. I read a long time ago that the song was written for Marques Houston's mother who died of cancer. I imagine that was a bit awkward to translate this into a love story for the video. There were bedside chats (again, who's parents allowed this shit?), graphic pre-teen makeout sessions, realization of death (she keeps holding her stomach but the viewers never know why she died...ultimate crazy gas?), tearing shirts off to reveal teenage pecs in the rain, cemetaries and tombstones, dressed in all black...I think this video actually traumatized me, like watching Bambi's mother get gunned down in the Disney movie.
We Got It
Aw, what happened to the innocent, fun songs? Can't come out with anything like this now and expect to thing about Immature is they never tried to sex things up (except when they later became IMX, but I refuse to acknowledge that tragedy any further).
I Need to Go Outside and Touch Grass
2 days ago
10 jewels of thought:
Can you believe I've never heard any of these songs before and I've never seen any of these videos?
(not that I was missing much)
I knew Roger had a band but their promo shots looked so corny that I didn't even bother to check them out at the time... I was too busy rockin' out to various Grunge bands and boppin my head to Biggie!
Be grateful very grateful. I was jammin' to Biggie and'nem too, but Immature was targeted to my demographic HARD. I still remember the cassette tape...
shit i'll still bump "i will never lie, i will never lie-liyeee-i-eeee-iii!!" til this day n wont care.
Girl, I KNOW you didn't do an Immature post and not acknowledge the existence of OG member Half Pint. Where is the clip from House Party?
*shaming you*
oh my where do i start,lol.
WE GOT IT-loved this song when it came out. i'd always try to do the dance sequence in the video,lol
PLEASE DONT GO- i never cried when i heard this song, but it pulled at my heart strings when i heard it sometimes
FEEL THE FUNK/ NEVER LIE- ah, the slow jams for the tween set.
i wasn't one of those girls who obessed over immature, in fact i didnt really care for many of the boy bands back in that era. i liked man bands (e.g. silk, dru hill, boys to men etc)
ironically, the songs you posted are the only songs i liked/ remember from yeah..i aint gonna front i was bopping my head to some immature.
p.s what the hell is/was imx? immature extreme?
Bella-If it came on the radio, I won't NOT jam, namean?
Alicia: I need to have you edit my 90s posts, lol. Can you believe I've never actually seen House Party all the way through? Please don't revoke my card. I remember Half Pint but refuse to acknowledge him further.
Augusta: I liked the man bands (ha, that sounds funny) too, but I just cannot believe people authorized this Immature stuff, looking back. Girl...IMX was when they got "grown" and wanted to change their was an epic failure.
I loved the musical group, immature! I am not to sure what grade I was in when they debuted but they are younger than me. I do remember their music and I adored them.
Thank you for the smiles and memories!
: )
Oh my gosh I loved Immature. Well between 7th-10th grade. After that I went through the "thug/rapper" phase, but I will always remember my first and that was Marques "Batman" Houston. And to think that I use to take up for them because they hair was prettier then girls.
Omfg i love immature. I still listen to these songs every now and then (hangs head in shame). Batman was my first celebrity crush.
Ahh the memories. :)
tsk tsk, tam. im a guy and even i know "I Will Never Lie" wasn't there debut single. it was the first single off the 2nd or 3rd album after they replaced Half Pint with LDB.
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